Michael Chabon's second novel, Wonder Boys, is one of the most eloquent literary pieces of our time. Chabon produced it when but 31 years old and Curtis Hanson managed to turn the beautifully poetic novel into a beautifully poetic film.
For those who delight in beautiful lexical choices and daring syntax, Michael Chabon is a must. He contextualizes like few novelists can.
And for those who enjoy compare and contrasting literary texts to their filmic representations, Curtis Hanson's 2000 film Wonder Boys is a must-read/must-see as well.
Favorite line: "Sarah is a junkie for the printed word and, lucky for me, I manufactured her drug of choice."
graph per amazon
"sarah read everything...., she was a junkie for the printed word." good call, screenplay guy/gay of the movie.
Bob Dylan's contribution is also strong. Check out the behind-the-scenes commentary on the DVD. Interesting feedback by Curtis Hanson, the director.
Bob Dylan is a Wonder Boy. I used to care but things have changed. I believe that was the soundtrack on Douglas Street.....
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