Well, folks, this is it.
"Curb Your Enthusiasm" season just ended tonight.
We had to watch it tonight instead of opting for the later On Demand features. It was the finale, after all and the event begged for priority.
One of the few reasons I see some use for cable, or TV at all for that matter, is Larry David’s humor and his informed commentaries. No, I don't think TV Larry is just a hub of neuroses or that he is too 'abnormal' for that matter. I enjoy him, ergo, my reading of his work is bound to be biased. But it's a bias I stand by cognitively. He makes sense to me. Every single time.
And Season Six ended tonight.
It involved, among other things, Larry, a gerbil, a visit to the doctor, Loretta Black, the always-cussing Susie, and a bat mitzvah.
The last 2 minutes of the finale were sweet, tender, melancholy, and belly-achingly funny.
Larry sadly looks at his estranged wife Cheryl, who was dancing with her new beau at the bat mitzvah, and Larry finds himself alone amidst the dancing group. He then looks at Loretta Black, Vivica A. Fox’s character and asks her to dance with him. That point signals Larry's 'assimilation' into the Black family.
The Blacks do family things, play sports, get loud in movie theaters and for the first time in "Curb Your Enthusiasm" history, Susie Green is finally shut up. By Loretta. While on one of her cussing rants to Larry, Loretta stands up for her man and Susie is thrown out, silent. I bet, to you Curb fans out there, this was one of the highlights of the episode. It sure was mine. The look on Susie's confused face was priceless. The look on Larry's incomparable!
The episode ends with Larry and the Blacks taking a family holiday picture saying ‘Happy Holidays, Larry and the Blacks.”
And as far as I'm concerned, it was a hilarious conclusion.
Hoping CYE comes back within the year, I sign off.
graph per HBO
Because we haven't discussed this yet :=)), what I think makes it so funny is that after Larry's previous 'miscommunications' with Afirmative Action, the dermatologist, Krazee Eyes, Wanda Sykes, and the first time he met Loretta and co., the finale was funny yet subtly sensical. Bravo, Larry. What else is there to watch on cable TV, or any kind of TV for that matter? But then again, we have already discussed that question....
Leon was a brilliant addition this season. In The Therapists episode, he just about killed me.
"larry, what did you do with the gerbil, larry?"-Leon
I did what you do with CYB. Watched the entire season from midnight to the next morning. And I had a great day the next day, no sleep and all. Let's take a moment and appreciate Eric's sleep sacrifice.
Bri, how about Leon saying Mopy Dick instead of Moby to Jeff..... Ha!! Leon, the literary critic.
I believe Leon said Mopey to Jeff. Too funny, I thought. Leon was what made Season Sic especially funny!
jerry seinfeld was lucky to be able to work with larry! larry is definitely a comedic giant.
doesn't his real soon-to-be ex-wife work for the environment, yet she flies around in private jets?!
not that this comment has anything to do with the finale or anything.....
Pre-tay good recap of Larry's appearance with Obama and why you should vote for him.
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