Could one work well in this environment? How much does the nature of a space influence the psychology of those who work in it?
Florida suggests that: "...office layout and contemporary design are just part - a very superficial part - of the deep problems vexing the professions. How many professional firms out there are addressing things like flexible schedules, work-life balance, greater autonomy and control over work, valuing the entire person, true diversity, and intrinsic rewards."
True, but some professionals do, de facto, find themselves spending 50-60 hours a week in one confined space and being in a creatively decorated environment could perhaps alleviate some of the weight of quotidianity?
graph via creativeclassroom
I would agree with Richard. While location and space do matter, the ultra-heavy, ueber-human schedule is what's the real issue.
Good layout, though.
a healthier balance of fewer hours, feng shui, and a cluster of normality would perhaps be a better formula. i like r. florida's comment.....
I posted on the topic back in December. See, http://bp2.blogger.com/_weiQbFN71Jw/R21R-oyd7xI/AAAAAAAAAVg/nMEHqK-8IGM/s1600-h/office.jpg
In this entry, I'm targeting the 'professional' and more specifically the 'law firm scenario.'
And of course the 'space as text' topic is a high-frequency topic here in H and P....
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