Friday, July 25, 2008

Move Over Mick Jaeger, There's a New Rock Star in Town

Barack Obama's visit to Germany reminds many Germans of a rock concert of mega proportions. "Think of a lineup where The Stones open for The Beatles," observes a friend of mine.
Today's Spiegel magazine features a number of articles on the candidate's visit to Germany but a favorite headline would have to be: "Obama ist doch ein Berliner" a play on Kennedy's famous utterance.
Read more from the German coverage here.


Anonymous said...

wow, I bet the Stones and The Beatles together would manage to attract that kind of crowd.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing that so many people came out. Jon Stewart's bit last night was hilarious!!

Anonymous said...

Yea, on the title! Good one.

Anonymous said...

On the other hand, though, it was interesting to see how when reporters asked random Germans on the street about his platform, they didn't know what it consisted of. Hmmmm....