Just how does the most amazing athlete of all time, mega swimmer Michael Phelps eat?
Amazingly, is the answer.
The athlete eats about 12.000 calories a day. That's 12 THOUSAND. Here's a sample of his diet:
"...a large bowl of porridge; three doorstep-sized sandwiches of white bread, butter, fried egg, fried onion, lettuce, tomato and mayonnaise; a five-egg omelette tastefully garnished with parsley; three slices of French toast liberally sprinkled with sugar; three pancakes topped with chocolate chips; and two large cups of coffee. That's breakfast. Yummy.
Next to it is lunch, which consists of 1lb (that's a very large bowl) of pasta with tomato sauce; two large ham-and-cheese sandwiches with more lettuce, tomato and don't forget the mayo; plus four bottles of a proprietary high-energy sports drink that always makes me burp. For dinner, it's another pound of pasta, a large cheese-and-tomato pizza, and another four bottles of the same proprietary high-energy sports drink...."
Definitely worth a read. Look at the last part of the feature, especially. I would also recommend that you watch the 2-minute video. Click here for more.
That kind of engine needs all the fuel it can get to run the way it's been running.
I bet Phelps' engine is not that of a Prius, though....
Wow. I wish I could eat like that and look like that. Then again, if I worked out like that, I probably could.
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