This, I enjoyed reading as it seems congruent with some of the things I've thought about.
"The Doc Martens revival is still going strong - though initially worn as part of the 80s renaissance, the boot fits effortlessly into the New Nineties when worn in a grungier style, such as the current penchant for tartans, plaids and chunky woollens. Elsewhere, we are seeing skinny jeans giving way to bell bottoms, wide-legs and bootcuts (though we have yet to encounter a full-throttle "baggy" revival, a Madchester renaissance seems somewhat inevitable)."
I enjoyed my DC Martens. Good shoes. Durable. But oh-so-heavy and such a drag to schlep. I retired them a while back as I figured it was a text I'd read a lot already. Plus, they didn't feel decade-appropriate. I don't really understand why they're making a comeback to so many closets.
Or, for that matter, why 90210 had to make a comeback.
But I digress.
Can't HBO throw a bone to other cable stations and allow them to show reruns of Curb Your Enthusiasm, or something?
Anyway, one thing's for sure, though. It's not only Doc Martens that are making a successful comeback.
And as someone just uttered to me, 'well, I guess one of the good things of growing up in the 80's and 90's is that we don't have to watch anymore TV these days. We're already all caught up.'
I had to say: 'Quotable.'
graph per images google
graph per hbo
Ha! Dug this:
"Durable. But oh-so-heavy and such a drag to schlep. I retired them a while back as I figured it was a text I'd read a lot already."
I've retired them too!!!
Ha! Dug this:
"Durable. But oh-so-heavy and such a drag to schlep. I retired them a while back as I figured it was a text I'd read a lot already."
I've retired them too!!!
Granted, there's only one general pattern of story-telling, but, by George, it could be told and retold in infinite ways..... I mean, the writers are not on strike anymore, no?
I agree with the 'quotable' quite. No need to watch much. But I do need some Curb, too. Happy LD is doing another season.
Amen to the TV thing.
You know, I have to admit that I've secretly been waiting for a Doc Marten revival. Brings me back to the good old days of the Cranberries and Empire Records.
Agreed on the tv thing. Docs are heavy, yes, but since it's all coming back, they have to show up for another encore show. It won't have to be a full feature, though.
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