I was informed by different friends of mine who are in the medical research field and French Studies to check out the following:
I actually managed to see this on my own when Rachel Maddow first commented on it on Friday and my instinct was to ask my scientist and French Studies friends what they thought of it.
The thing is, research money is indispensable to progress. Without innovation, we cannot make any progress in any field, be it autism or literary scholarship. And innovation and progress need to be funded.
Tip of the hat to HDC and Alan for the pointer.
Oh man! Say it is isn't so. Scientists rely on funding to be able to do their work. No, Sarah, these projects have everything to do with the public good.
I don't understand why Paris, France is pronounced with such smugness.
Am I missing something here? And most importantly, fruit fly scientists are, what, insane for making efforts to find out how to understand and cure diseases?
How bizarre! And this was at an event to raise awareness about autism?
This, really, makes so sense.
Right, because fruit fly research and autism are mutually exclusive.....
Why mention exactly that, though? Don't the speech writers do any research? This poor person keeps making gaffe after gaffe. It is difficult to be under such scrutiny, of course, and she can't be expected to know it all, but still, what does Jon Hamm say in that SNL piece: "When in doubt, say nothing."
And I like Rachel Maddow but if she dropped the theatrics a notch, she'd still be good and effective. Sometimes I think like she's sending a message to Hollywood to grab an audition, or something. ;-)
Palin looks weird with her hair down. Where's the librarian bun?
And, uh, yeah I second the notion that funding of research is instrumental to progress.
I know she's getting a lot of attention and whatnot, but doesn't she have new specs here?
Where are the frameless hot glasses?
I noticed she had them back on today when campaigning in Florida.
I adore Rachel Maddow far more than fruit flies which we must, of course DOH! continue to research. An element of my intrigue with Rachel is that my 19 year old daughter sits attentively, laughs with glee and engages in active conversation when we watch together. Somethings getting through
The medical research field and French Studies are excellent and I like it
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