I like Gmail. It's got my kind of capacity and my kinds of features. I like the ease of using Google Calender, Google docs, et al. In short, I'm a happy user. Hence, when told about Gmail's latest feature, I simply had to post it here.
I wouldn't have thought about this but someone at Google did and it apparently sounds like a great feature to many a user judging from the responses and comments they have received. Can't say I'll have a need to use it but I reckon it's usually a good idea to be open-minded vis-a-vis the 'Google machine.'
A bit says:
"When you enable Mail Goggles, it will check that you're really sure you want to send that late night Friday email. And what better way to check than by making you solve a few simple math problems after you click send to verify you're in the right state of mind?
By default, Mail Goggles is only active late night on the weekend as that is the time you're most likely to need it. Once enabled, you can adjust when it's active in the General settings.
Hopefully Mail Goggles will prevent many of you out there from sending messages you wish you hadn't. Like that late night memo -- I mean mission statement -- to the entire firm."
Read more here.
Some of you who also do work/write at night might find this annoying and unnecessary but plenty of AM folk might find it really useful. I suppose that's Google's strongest suit: catering to all on some level and in some capacity.
Would you use this feature? Do you find it micromanaging and/or too editing?
graph per google
Ok, sign me up. I do need a feature like this. And I'm a morning person so I shouldn't be sending mail out after 11:00. What am I doing now, it's 11:02!!
thx. I'll use this.
and the machine-reliance gets more and more concrete.....
and the machine-reliance gets more and more concrete.....
I know of a few emailers who would benefit from this.
I, not so much. :)
yeah, i don't like the idea of my email being delayed when i'm writing and reading them with three other tabs open i'm switching between, but i just wouldn't use it. some people might be entertained by it. it's a good mind exercise, which is really the point of it, i think. it might be cool if twice a workday it popped up and gave me a little quiz, which i could choose when to do based on my schedule at that moment.
nope. definitely would not use this feature. Just not my thing.
I would use this. Yup.
I guess I don't really see the point of the feature. Emailers ought to think carefully about everything they send out anyway, and if 30-45 seconds of math problems is enough to make you change your mind about a message, then you probably ought to be employing the method of drafting a message and then rereading it a bit later before sending.
Maybe it's good if you're prone to drunk emailing. I think these days most people just drunk text.
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