Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Flight of the Conchords: From a Friend to Another

The following clip is from Season One of the HBO show Flight of the Conchords. This clip is perhaps one of my Top 5 conchord moments. Here is the context. Jemaine, Bret's best friend, flatmate, fellow New Zealander, and the other member of their band is worried about Bret's new problem with body image.
Jemaine doesn't really know how to lift his friend's spirits so he does what Jemaine does best: he breaks into song.

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Anonymous said...

I like Flight of the Conchords too. Was wondering what you thought of them. Their quirky sense of humor is always spot-on!
This song is as gendered as it gets....

Anonymous said...

This is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Jemaine an Brett are talented and funny! What I like about their humor is that it comes across so genuinely. You actually buy them as these characters.
And what about Mel?
Scary and funny at the same time. I look forward to the new seasons this coming January!
thks for this. Good time!!

Anonymous said...

Jemaine kills me every time. The lyrics are really, really interesting!

Anonymous said...

Oh man. I've played it 3 times already.... thx!

Sra said...

That's rad. Another show to check out from the library I see.

Anonymous said...

It's funny because at the beginning of the episode it's Bret who asks Jemaine to pay him compliments so that he will feel better about his body. I LOVE the Bowie episode. Jemaine saying in Bowie-esque voice: 'It's me, David Bowie.'

Anonymous said...

Jemaine's the man! A very, very good show!

Anonymous said...

Jemaine always manages to place himself in really gendered settings, doesn't he? What about the 'New Fans' episode? HA!

Anonymous said...

The bulimia discussion that Bret & Jemaine have cracks me up every single time.
'This is a dream, Bret. It's part of your freaky dream."
Jemaine as David Bowie. Too funny!!