Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Newton?!

Scientist Olivia Judson writes:
"Some years ago, the evolutionist and atheist Richard Dawkins pointed out to me that Sir Isaac Newton, the founder of modern physics and mathematics, and arguably the greatest scientist of all time, was born on Christmas Day, and that therefore Newton’s Birthday could be an alternative, if somewhat nerdy, excuse for a winter holiday."

She continues her piece by suggesting one of the most entertaining renditions I have read these past few weeks.

" On the tenth day of Newton,
My true love gave to me,
Ten drops of genius,
Nine silver co-oins,
Eight circling planets,
Seven shades of li-ight,
Six counterfeiters,
Four telescopes,
Three Laws of Motion,
Two awful feuds,
And the discovery of gravity!

Happy Newton, everybody!"

Read it all here.

Happy Holidays of all kinds, folks.

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Anonymous said...

Will you give me ten drops of genius? Don't have much use for gravity.

Anonymous said...

Will you give me ten drops of genius? Don't have much use for gravity.

Anonymous said...

Cal-Cu-Lus..... My coffee just came out of nostrils. Pardon the image here, but this was too good.
oh my! thanks for finding this.....

Anonymous said...

She had me at: "Seven shades of li-ight"
Too good!

Anonymous said...

Here, here to gravity.
It sure beats 'Festivus for the Rest of Us' :)

Anonymous said...

And the discovery of the gravit-yyyy. It's me singing it right now.
I especially liked the bit about Newton's crabby nature and how he wasn't really a people person. Genius needs to be seen in context, too.

Anonymous said...

Excellent piece. Merry Newton, indeed. Merry Newton, R. Dawkins.

Anonymous said...

discovery of gravity.... hail to the apple! :)