I was just looking at the Winter 2004 issue (pictured on the left) of Black Book magazine in an effort to find this conversation between Julian Schnabel and Benecio del Toro when I ran into a bit by Meghan Daum. Daum observed the following:
"New York was a prohibitively expensive place for the people who had made it what it was: the creative people and the intellectuals and the artists."
I do think that the creatives have not been given the credit they deserve. But since things have been shifting they're bound to keep getting more and more presence. I suppose when creativity gets recognized financially, attention levels change. This is one cool photo, btw.
This is a great photo. And the creatives are the backbone of culture. Of course. And I cant help but think that it's because they tend to be unenabled that they create.
Where did you get a hard copy of the Winter 2004 issue?
I absolutely adore Benicio. Cannot wait to see the new Che film. Did you know it played in NYC last weekend?
my fear is that this same thing will happen here in slc. it's already getting more expensive.
I'm curious, too. How did you come across a Black Book mag from 2004?
Good quote, btw....
And I agree with the quote. The arts rest on the shoulders of the creatives and they haven't always received the right credit. They create great stuff, then the real estate prices get sky high and they can't afford to live there anymore and are muscled out of the scene.
Just dawned on me that this is from 2004. I started reading Richard Florida's stuff last year. It's cool to see how these same ideas have been floating around for a while. Ah, the beautiful value of the clustering effect.
Benecio has one of those entrancing faces that you can't look away from.
I thought that technology was the key to freeing our society so that we could all just create and participate in culture and intellectual curiosity. But now I know that as long as we live in a fiscal system, we will always be slaves.
Benicio del Toro has a depth you can just see on his face. I love this photo!
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