I talk about time and multi-tasking quite often and that's because it's a high-frequency issue/concern/topic in my quotidianity.
Simply put, I have to be acutely aware of time for two rather basic reasons:
1) productivity
2) quality of life
So, here are a few things to consider when thinking about time/schedules.
1) Do not allow distractions to interfere with planned tasks. Block a generous time frame for the most important tasks.
2) The most important tasks of the week need to be completed first before the week gets full.
2) Plan enough time for each task.
3) Allow a 2-hour block daily for a work-out and focused physical activity. Planned physical time is a great way to put tasks and time-sensitive duties in perspective.
4) Write daily even when there is no apparent inspiration.
5) Do not over-work on a certain day as it might be difficult to get enough motivation to tackle the same task the following day. Know when to stop.
6) Unapologetically keep to a personalized schedule.
7) Carefully plan time for 'no-activity' or as I call it 'thinking time' without gadget/media/information input.
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Thanks for these. It's tough to have a disciplined take on time and schedules. How does spontaneity work in the realm of this time arrangement, though? I guess one can't quite pencil it in, eh?
Thanks for these. It's tough to have a disciplined take on time and schedules. How does spontaneity work in the realm of this time arrangement, though? I guess one can't quite pencil it in, eh?
If i can spell names... :)
Distractions are the worst to keep in check.
I don't know how I could get anything done without a schedule.
Where do you find the 2-hour block for a workout, by the way?
I have the same question about spontaneity. I mean, it's touch to be creative without being spontaneous...., no?
How does it work?
And thanks for this, btw.
Same question, the playlist...?
Great tips. Scheduling is especially important when you have time off from work/school and on the weekends. Otherwise, it's too easy to waste too much time on the computer or watching television.
The playlist varies really. I will post a new piece about it.
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