Cable news entertains me greatly. Truly. It's entertaining and relaxing. The prospect of my favorite news commentary becoming available via podcast is as thrilling to me as reading a brand new title in my field of research, or going to a Muse concert. Yes. It's right up there.
I had a bit of a moment the other night. It came to my attention that I was laughing profusely when David Gregory was on. Now, humor is not the first thing to think of when one looks at David Gregory. If anything, he is s serious journalist. He's very tall (actually because of that, Bush refers to him as 'Stretch'), has silver hair, and features uninteresting intonation patterns. So, when asked why I was laughing, I said, "I really don't know what it is but when David Gregory speaks, I can't help myself but laugh. The need to laugh is too great to contain."
David Gregory is the new moderator and managing editor of the very serious program Meet the Press. I used to be able to follow the program with interest when the late Tim Russert was in charge but now my interest is of a different nature.
Consider the following clip. David Gregory is featured towards the end (his bit starts at the onset of the fifth minute). I do not know what it is but David Gregory does to me what Larry and Leon do on Curb Your Enthusiasm. But, at least, the latter two are comics. Go figure.
Are there things out there that have no business making you laugh but somehow they manage to?
I know it's the word 'Stretch' that's making you laugh here. That is too funny, though. David Gregory? HA! Can one think of a less likely source of humor? Humor is idiosyncratic, that's for sure.
I crack up when I see corpulent folk wearing jeans that are a few sizes too small. Don't know what it is and I feel badly that I have the need to laugh, but I still do....
Olbermann and O'Reilley. At the same time. Yeah, go figure. :)
And that is the charm of some people. They find all sorts of things funny.
I laugh as Starbucks' product names.
Not Colbert, or Stewart?
I laugh at overly verbose signs. Like in my office, we have a sign by the staircase that says "Restrooms are located downstairs -->" when all it needs to say is "Restrooms -->" I fantasize about taking my red pen to it when nobody's looking.
I'm watching him right now and even though he is serious, there's something subtly funny about him.
I laugh when I hear people who finish their sentences 'you know what I mean?'
People wearing white socks. Odd, I know but it cracks me up every time.
Maybe it's the nickname Stretch that's getting you, no?
People who pose, smiling, crack me up.
A random thing that makes me laugh is seeing older people in rock shows rocking out. I don't know why.....
You know what makes me laugh? And this is totally arbitrary, but anyway, people's faces when it;s really cold out there. They look like they're smiling in pain. I know I shouldn't find that funny, but I do. It almost makes me feel close to them.
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