Kings of Convenience come from Norway and I approve of them.
Much of my writing, the nascent phase of it at least, happens when I'm under the influence of mellow Indie. I might have mentioned before that I wrote my dissertation and book monograph listening mostly to Mandalay.
My current writing projects are different from one another currently. When I work on my medieval research I tend to listen to a lot of Verdi. A lot of Aida and Requiem. Seems apropos to me.
The more modern writing tends to be accompanied by much Indie and the band that's monopolizing that playlist these days is The Kings of Convenience. The reason why I enjoy them is because they manage to make their musical point quietly without distracting the listener. They make me think of those people you love having around you because they quietly do their own thing as you go about accomplishing your tasks. They add a measure of quietude that serves as a powerful extrinsic motivation. That, in a nutshell, is what the Kings of Convenience do for me.
You, guitar aficionados out there, might enjoy this band as well.
Here's their track Failure:
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Mandalay are SO underrated and they're wonderful!!
Kings of Convenience are so relaxing! I was just listening to them a little earlier today whilst getting my teeth drilled. It helped. I also used to listen to them a few years ago when I worked as a dishwasher at a cafe. Definitely helped relieve the stress of that job!
Failure is a great song. Another great song from that same album is "I don't know what I can save you from". I learned how to play it on the guitar a couple years ago. It's actually not very difficult to play, and fun to sing.
Cool. I'll check them out. I'm all for mellow....
I used to be able to work listening to faster stuff but recently I find classical the way to go.
These guys look interesting. Will give it a listen.
Oh, yeah, I was thinking of Kings of Leon when I was reading this.... coming up with cool band names is not always easy :)
hey hey you,
guess who this is...
ive been checking you out here on blogger, i just created a blog myself... lets see how dedicated i stay. im not too eager when it comes to this stuff but we ll see.
wish there were more people that went about their business quietly as you go about yours. but alas, until then there's mandalay:)
I've been wanting some new mellow indie.... thks.
Mandalay, yes, great stuff. Good guitar here, btw.
-Yes, they're so quietude-oriented, they beg for calm attention. I am a fan. Sra, I need to try their sound on the strings.
-Sanya. Good to see you in here. I liked your second note. Generally speaking, it's something I also appreciate in others we well. When we all quietly go about our respective work, we all tend to fare so much better, ja? And yes, Mandalay is a good extra bit to include.
-Kings of Leon... Right? They're 'neighbors' in my iPod, too.
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