Thursday, January 22, 2009

Remixing, Colbert-style

The following is most likely the most entertaining thing I have seen in a few days. Colbert's version of 'remixing' is a parody par excellence. I give it an A!

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Anonymous said...

This is too funny. How exquisitely narcissistic, how Colbert!

Sra said...

I love it. That blacklight face kind of creeps me out, though.

Anonymous said...

Nobody makes copyright discussion more fun than Colbert. This is great, especially after the Lessig interview.

Anonymous said...

My line of the week: "Jimmy, juice it!"

Anonymous said...

Ha. Leave it to Colbert to do justice to parody!

Anonymous said...

It's what a me-me-me world looks like. And who better to portray it than Colbert. The man's funny! I wonder if serious Lessig liked this much?

Anonymous said...

And the club music? Ha! This is the funniest thing. And it's contagious. I've already played it 3 times.

Anonymous said...

"I do not 'not' want you to get my interview with Lessig and remix it...."
This guy gets it! Funny yet true as much of his humor!

Anonymous said...

What kills me is Colbert's dancing a-la gay club. Oh man! He is too funny!!

Sra said...

Lessig posted the video on his own blog, so I'm sure he didn't mind.

Anonymous said...

Colbert's in-your-face humor is exquisite. His remix proved Lessig's point, btw. Dug this.