I pick a lot of good things in California. And, the HBO show Flight of the Conchords is no exception.
In this nine-minute podcast I provide a short gendered analysis of the show. Something very interesting is captured in this show with regards to gender performativity as the two main characters, Bret and Jemaine, represent a naturally comfortable homosociality. Bret and Jemaine represent a homosocial setting that manages to come across as natural, even conventional, because it oozes elements of genuine human intimacy. In this piece I postulate that it is precisely because of this genuine human intimacy that gender boundaries and stereotypes are shattered and the heteronormative framework is shaken. The music featured in this podcast comes from Camille Nelson's new album First Word. The review of my wonderfully talented friend is here.
Listen to the podcast here.
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I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this, Dr. Ribaj!
Thank you!!
Ans I also ordered Camille Nelson's CD. Talented, you're right. I appreciate the podcasts. Greatly.
I agree with Murray's reading. He is the right added ingredient.
And I liked the 'jab' at Brokeback.
Tell me how much superficiality really bothers you....
Btw, Did you mean Doug instead of Greg?
"I thought Flossy, the sheep was Miss New Zealand...."
This is a truly gendered show and I also appreciate the fact that the characters play with gender so naturally.
It is pretty cool that you get to play your friends' music as well. She sounds like she has some pretty good vocal training. thanks.
I need to watch this!
Are you going to review anything from conventional media?
I know you're busy but I'm wondering if I can make an appt. and go over those readings you suggested that I do a while back?
And about FLTC, the character of Mel, in my mind, says more about gender elasticity than any other character in the show. Granted, she is also the oddest/mot problematic one.
To paraphrase you really badly here, and I apologize for that, neurosis is responsible for the creation of some beautiful characters.
Thank you for these. It's a stimulating treat that's greatly appreciated.
-Ah, yes, indeed. Doug, not Greg. Blame it on a phone conversation I was having when posting this. Doug, Greg, John, whatever, ya? I suppose I made a subconscious comment about his lack of relevance.
-Silke, I am reviewing Big Love next time. I do not tend to watch commercial TV so my comments are limited to things I've selected and picked already.
-Melanie, you may. Feel free to email at the beginning of the week. And impressive paraphrasing. Thank you.
Ah, and I also added a summary of Season 2, Episode 3 which, per me, is the most solid episode yet.
'Tears of a rapper.'
What a great song that was. I agree. Season 2 is looking pretty spectacular.
Thanks for this.
Leave it to you to get to the bottom of these texts. :)
How long does it take to produce a piece, btw?
how did the show go?
are you guy catching them live in Chicago?
I love the FTOC.
favorite line: Murray is the right added ingredient.
You mean Disbanded?
Yes, all of those!
Love Murray!
Last night's episode on friendship, I am certain, cracked you up!
I think the reason why they're so likable and even relatable is because they do life naturally as it comes to them. No prescriptions and regulations.
I have heightened appreciation for FOTF thanks to this piece!
Mad respect, B.R., mad respect!!
I'm sure you've already somehow caught this, but here it is from me to you:
I need to watch this!
They are getting progressively better. If only more of these performers were on prime time!
I appreciate the podcasts. Downloading them on iTunes.
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