In this podcast I am doing a review of the HBO show Big Love.
To listen to the podcast, click here.
The music featured on this podcast comes from Camille Nelson's new album First Words.
This podcast is also featured on iTunes under Gendering the Media with Brikena Ribaj.
Your depiction of Bill: Spot On!!
How's the iPhone?
Reviewing it soon?
Your depiction of Bill: Spot On!!
How's the iPhone?
Reviewing it soon?
The Ana comment was 'spot on.' This is a very, very good show. It also took me a while to check it out but I'm now fully sold on it.
This is off-topic, but I just cracked up watching Curb. Larry David is pretending to be a conservative Jew who was in a band as a young man. When asked what kinds of songs he wrote, Larry said: 'gefilte fish blues.' HA!!! Thanks for turning me on to Curb!
I'll listen to the podcast tomorrow morning.
You've made me want to watch the new season. I might even, grh, sign up for HBO. This is that good a show!
Plus, I'll get to watch the Flight of the Conchords as well....
Thanks, Bri.
Wait, the iPhone? What's this I hear....?
I'd like to watch this more carefully. Interesting notion, that this show works well because of how well the margin coexist.
I suppose the gendering of it is seen in the espousal of the margins, ja?
Red Letter Day..., good track, btw.
How are we iPhoning now?
I heard this rumor that HBO programs can be downloaded and watch for free on the internets.
Brunette Barbie to Bill's hetereo-normative Ken? These are rounitely becoming my favorite podcasts.
What brokennarcissist wrote. I dig these podcasts!! thanks.
One of things that I'm appreciating here on HetPer is the extent of gender theory and how it relates to the overall understanding of the margin.
I was also wondering about the choice of the character of Ana. Utah does not appear diverse to the outsider but it is, in truth, a culturally diverse place. Big Love is a well-researched show. Who knew that educated scripts could be popular, eh?
thks for the podcasts....
cool podcast.
Are you reviewing Californication as a podcast anytime soon?
Yes, on Ana.
Very much yes, on Bill.
Triple 'yes' on how much I'm digging the podcasts.
What's the gendered take on Bill Maher, btw?
Real Time on HBO kicks off soon.
Might you consider a review thereof?
There's something about Maher I find quite gendered....
It's one of the better shows to come out of HBO.
I also don't just see it as a show about polygamy but rather the nature of social structures and institutions.
Podcasts are getting downloaded onto my iTunes. Thanks for them.
I'd like to know if you are doing any new pieces on any new lit theory?
I think this is an excellent analysis of the show.
I'm late getting to some of the more recent podcasts, but I always enjoy them and do get to them eventually.
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