Might I inform those of you in Central Ohio to check out the following info on a conference on Remixing?
I feel strongly about the importance of understanding Remixing and all its informational and cultural ramifications. Ergo, I had to make the schedule fit it.
And HetPer has already given a tip of the hat to the efforts of such academics as Lawrence Lessig who are actively engaged in making sure that remixing and copyright laws do justice to the new age of information management.
The Mashup/Remix Conference will take place this week on the Ohio State campus in Columbus.
To find more info an inquire after registration, click here.
A bit says:
"The Ohio State University’s Moritz College of Law and Wexner Center for the Arts have collaborated for a novel discussion on the implications of mashup and remix in the world of Web 2.0. Recent technological developments have created a wave of user-generated content in which pre-existing sounds and images are appropriated, reshaped, and shared with unprecedented ease. Bringing together new media artists, prominent academics, and influential members of the media community, this event will discuss ways in which the digitization of music, film, and visual art over the internet is influencing the future of these industries and the future of copyright law."
The conference is free for OSU faculty and students.
Should be good. I really wish I could be there. I look forward to a report.
Cool. I'll sign up.
Chalked it down.
I look forward to it.
I want to check it out, too. Maybe on Fri?
This looks good. I'd check it out, too.
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