This is what I saw last time I was up in Chicago.
It begged for attention and I had to give in. The text of pink, I call it.
The preponderance of pink is code for something here, I find.
This is a color/textile/aesthetic choice which this particular wearer finds apropos for quotidianity.
How would you read this?
Wowsah! How can one not look at this?!
Such pronounced, performative 'femininity' is perturbing.
Ha. I got the text.....
"The preponderance of pink."
I think I have a favorite phrase now.
And yet the footwear complements the Pink-age quite adequately I find.
For Jimmy Choo's wouldn't be the right choice, that's for sure!
It's so mesmerizing, no words are apropos. :)
I read that she reads a lot of Victoria's Secret catalogs.
What is with that hair?
So much is going on in this text, I think I need a cocktail to process it!
She needs to drop a few layers of demarcation, if you catch my drift. :)
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