Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Interesting Sentence From New Study

This is quite an interesting premise. Tip of the hat to TC for the pointer.

Consider the following:

"According to a new study in Psychological Science, humans engage in a process called “moral self-regulation.” Basically, we’re constantly calculating the trade-off between being able to see ourselves as good people and the cost of engaging in all that non-advantageous goodness."

Read more here

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James said...

Ha. There's always a trade-ff, is there not? Too good.

Dawn said...

I do good things because it feels good and that's the trade-off. There is an element of selfishness to giving and I'm not sure that's a bad thing.

Dawn said...

I do good things because it feels good and that's the trade-off. There is an element of selfishness to giving and I'm not sure that's a bad thing.

Sra said...

According to Ayn Rand and the associated Objectivist movement, rational self interest is in the best interest of everyone.

JJ said...

An understanding of self, as well as a love of self, is first. For without them, how can the others get good things from us?
Sure, there's a trade-ff. What's so wrong about that?
Awesome paragraph!!

B.R. said...

I couldn't help but think of 'cui bono?' and 'quid pro quo' and 'quid pro nihil?' when reading this....