Tip of the hat to my good friend Dimitri for the pointer.
Ohio State's own scientists are publishing a new study on satire which will appear on volume 14 of The International Journal of Press/Politics.
This is a most interesting idea which those of you who are Stephen Colbert fans are bound to enjoy. I look forward to reading this on the journal as, I reckon, it will be a good addition to my current literary [and other] references. Often when asked to tackle the concepts of irony and satire, I tend to rely on the work of Bertolt Brecht, especially his Choräle. Congratulations to Ohio State's faculty members: Heather L. LaMarre, Kristen D. Landreville, and Micheal A. Beam who produced this original study. I will be reviewing it here shortly.
The abstract says:
"This study investigated biased message processing of political satire in The Colbert Report and the influence of political ideology on perceptions of Stephen Colbert. Results indicate that political ideology influences biased processing of ambiguous political messages and source in late-night comedy. Using data from an experiment (N = 332), we found that individual-level political ideology significantly predicted perceptions of Colbert's political ideology. Additionally, there was no significant difference between the groups in thinking Colbert was funny, but conservatives were more likely to report that Colbert only pretends to be joking and genuinely meant what he said while liberals were more likely to report that Colbert used satire and was not serious when offering political statements. Conservatism also significantly predicted perceptions that Colbert disliked liberalism. Finally, a post hoc analysis revealed that perceptions of Colbert's political opinions fully mediated the relationship between political ideology and individual-level opinion."
You can get more information about this new study here.
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I can never quite understand how Colbert pulls off his TV persona. He is one of the best modern humorists. I look forward to reading the study, too. This is goo. Thanks.
Nobody gets and does satire better than Colbert. This sounds interesting!
I'm amazed at how popular and brand-popular Colbert has gotten. he is truly funny, though. I look forward to the review.
Colbert is not only funny but educational. I reckon, therein lies the interest to study him. Definitely interested in reading the study.
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