Monday, May 4, 2009

New Videocast: Moderation in the Middle Ages

In this sixth episode of De Amore: On Love with Brikena Ribaj, I discuss the concept of moderation and what it meant to the people in the Middle Ages based on what the literature of the German Middle Ages teaches us.

This is one of the concepts in which I have the greatest scholarly interests. I find moderation not only relevant from a literary perspective but also significant with regards to modernity.

You can view this new episode here.

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JJ said...

Moderation needs to be discussed more actively in our vernacular. Discussion first, practice and behavior second.

Sra said...

Moderation is one of those things that pops up in philosophies, religions, and traditions all over the world and throughout history. Must be something to it, no?

I think your new frames really suit you.

James said...

I absolutely dig these frames, too.
Moderation does have an almost universal appeal, as Sra also notes, and the more high-frequency a concept, the more literature will feature it, I guess.
Now I have a question about Hartmann's Gregorius, how does Gregorius, the character epitomize it? Does he?

Will said...

I wonder why there isn't more of a presence of this concept in the media. What could counter extravagance better than moderation, after all?

Anonymous said...

Moderation is relevant because it's tough to pull off.

Anonymous said...

Moderation is relevant because it's tough to pull off.

B.R. said...

-Topics with universal appeal are bound to find a spot in literary representation. The interesting thing about moderation is that it is found in the majority of the works of the M.A. The attitude around is that when not done right or enough, it leads to crises.
-Gregorius epitomizes moderation in the fact that he willingly self-castigates for the purpose of bringing some balance to the [albeit unbeknownst to him] problematic choices he made earlier in life.
-Moderation, as you noted, is the opposite of lavish extravagances. It doesn't quite reflect consumerism.

Anonymous said...

Moderation gets a lot of textual space because it's really tough to pull off.