Well, if you're at all like me and at times find yourselves running at full speed, then you're bound to forget some of the little details in quotidianity such as where you left your keys (for the millionth time) or where you parked. I have come upon a remedy for the latter. I take a picture of the place where I parked so that I don't repeat what I repeated the other day, i.e., run on every level of a behemoth of a parking place till I found where the vehicle was.
At least I got my workout, so I suppose not all is lost.
I use that ploy too.
Clever. I actually am very good at remembering where I parked, and navigating in general, but I do mindlessly lose my keys if I fail to put them in their usual place. It drives me crazy when I misplace something that I KNOW I JUST HAD!
That IS a good idea. And I def. need the help....
I don't think I quite know anybody else who makes use of their iPhone better and/or more. ;)
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