The following post is really interesting. I also have difficulty reading everything I want to read on most days as there are simply too many things to read out there. Between Google reader, my Twitter feed, my blog roll (and the list is rather generous), the daily newspapers and a cornucopia of domestic and international magazines/journals, at times it feels a tad overwhelming to get to all of the things that seem interesting. Hence, reading the following was helpful:
Today I thought of a nifty hack to control my “impulse reading” — things that I read on a whim during a bout of web surfing. It adapts a popular trick from personal finance to control impulse spending, which is to wait 30 days before making a purchase.
When I encounter an article I’d like to read, I open it in a new tab in Firefox and leave it there. Right now I have about a dozen tabs open. Some of them have been there for days. Invariably, when I make my way back through them, I read maybe 1/3 of them. Most of them just don’t seem as interesting anymore.
You can read more of S. Golder's post here.
Hat tip to MR for the pointer.
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