Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Why Movement Matters

The ideas that get revisited the most in one’s life over a long stretch of time are those that help define one’s existence.
The notion of ‘I move therefore I am” has long been a constant in my life. The basic decision to move is an immediate mood lifter. This is one of the reasons why I love exercise and exploring new sports.
For a while now I’ve been pursuing ocean sports and winter sports - one needs to have all the seasons covered - and yet, the one activity that I always find the easiest to go back to is running.

I have now trained for and completed a number of races and the feeling of running with thousands of other people at the same time and on the same route is truly empowering and utterly liberating.
Similarly, running by myself is one of the things I most look forward to as it gives me a chance to disconnect from a busy, fast-paced, and highly verbal life.
The basic act of putting my shoes on, getting the podcasts ready for the long run, does the heart good: both concretely and metaphorically.
One recommendation I easily make to everyone who asks about energy levels or overall positivity is: move, put some running shoes on and move.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Exercise is, by far, one of the best things in life!